Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Stomatitis Inflammation of the Mouth

Stomat / - Word Root

Stomat / - Mouth

O - CV

- itis - Suffix

- itis - Inflammation

Stomatitis - Inflammation of the mouth. Inflammation of the mucous membrane surrounding the mouth and lips. Can result from Herpes Simplex Virus.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Endostomatodynia Pain inside of the mouth

Endo / Prefix

Endo /  Inside

Stomat / - Word Root

Stomat / - Mouth

O - CV

- dynia - Suffix

- dynia - Pain

Endostomatodynia - Pain inside of the mouth

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Hypogastrodynia Pain in the Lower Stomach

Hypo / -  Prefix

Hypo / - Lower

Gastr / - Word Root

Gastr / - Stomach

O - CV

- dynia - Suffix

- dynia - Pain

Hypogastrodynia - Pain in the lower stomach region

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Headache Cephalodynia Medical Terminology

Cephal/ - Word Root

Cephal/ - Head

O - CV

- dynia - Suffix

- dynia - Ache

Cephalodynia - Ache in the Head (Headache). Sinus, Tension and Migraines are types of headaches. Some symptoms includes in Vomiting, Nausea and Sensitivity to light. Some causes of headaches includes stress, depression and infection. Can be treated with OTC medication, prescription medications and natural remedies.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Rhinoplasty and Nasoplasty


Rhin / Word Root

Rhin / Nose

O - CV

- plasty - Suffix

- plasty - Surgical Repair

Rhinoplasty - Surgical repair of the nose for cosmetic or medical reasons.


Nas / Word Root

Nas / - Nose

O - CV

- plasty - Suffix

- plasty - Surgical Repair

Nasoplasty - Surgical Repair of the nose for cosmetic and medical reasons.