Sunday, August 10, 2014

MTW nephroptosis

Nephr/ - Word Root

Nephr/- Kidney

O - CV

- ptosis - Suffix

- ptosis - Falling (drooping)

Nephroptosis - Falling of a kidney

MTW Oximeter

Ox/ - Word Root

Ox/ - Oxygen

I - CV

- meter - Suffix

- meter - Measurement

Oximeter - measurement of oxygen

MTW Laryngoplegia

Laryng/- Word Root

Laryng/- Larynx (voice box)

O - CV

- plegia - Suffix

- plegia - paralysis

Laryngoplegia - Paralysis of the larynx (voice box)

MTW noctiphobia

Nocti/- Word Root

Nocti/- Night

- phobia - Suffix

- phobia - Fear

Noctiphobia - Fear of the night

MTW Lipopenia

Lip/- - Word Root

Lip/ - Fat

O - CV

- penia - Suffix

- penia - Defiency

Lipopenia - Def. of fat

MTW Adiposis

Adip/- Word Root

Adip/ - Fat

- osis - Suffix

- osis - Abnormal condition

Adiposis - Abnormal condition of fat

MTW Tracheopathy

Trache/- Word Root

Trache/- Trachea (windpipe)

O - CV

- pathy - Suffix

- pathy - Disease

Tracheopathy - Disease of the Trachea (windpipe)

MTW bronchoedema

Bronch/ - Word Root

Bronch/- Bronchus

O - CV

- edema - Suffix

- edema - swelling

Bronchoedema - swelling of the bronchus

MTW eupnea

Eu - Word Root

Eu - Normal

- Pnea - Suffix

- Pnea - Breathing

Eupnea - normal breathing

MTW Aortitis

Aort/ - Word Root

Aort/ - Aorta

- itis - Suffix

- itis - inflammation

Aortitis - inflammation of the Aorta

August 2014 MTW Bronchoplegia

Bronch/- Bronchus

Bronch/- Word Root

O - CV

- plegia - Suffix

- plegia - paralysis

Bronchoplegia - paralysis of the bronchus

2014 MTW Dacryorrhrea

Dacry/- Word Root

Dacry/- Tears (lacrimal ducts)

O - CV

- rrhea - Suffix

- rrhea - flow

Dacryorrhrea - Flow of tears (flow from the lacrimal duct)

August 2014 MTW Iridectasis

Irid/ - Word Root

Irid/- Iris

- ectasis - Suffix

- ectasis - dilation

Iridectasis - Dilation of the iris

2014 MTW Metrostenosis

Metr/- Word Root

Metr/ - Uterus

O - CV

- stenosis - Suffix

- stenosis - narrowing

Metrostenosis - Narrowing of the uterus

MTW August 2014 Otomycosis

Ot/ - Word Root

Ot/- Ear

O - CV

Myc/ - Word Root

Myc/ - Word Root

- osis - Suffix

- osis - Abnormal condition

Otomycosis - abnormal condition of fungus in the ear

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 2014 MTW illectomy

Ile/ - Word Root

Ile/ - Ileum

- ectomy - Suffix

- ectomy - Surgical Removal

Illectomy - Surgical removal of the ileum

August MTW 2014 Mastectomy

Mast/ - Word Root

Mast / - Breast

- ectomy - Suffix

- ectomy - Surgical removal

Mastectomy - Surgical Removal of the breast

August 2014 MTW Ureterectomy

Ureter/ - Word Root

Ureter/ - Ureter

- ectomy - Suffix

- ectomy - Surgical Removal

Ureterectomy - Surgical Removal of the Ureter

August MTW Nephropexy

Nephr/ -WordRoot

Nephr/ - Kidney

O - CV

- Pexy  - Suffix

- Pexy - Surgical fixation

Nephropexy - Surgical fixation of a ( floating ) kidney

August 2014 Hepatotomy

Hepat- Word Root

Hepat/ - Liver

O - CV

- tomy - Suffix

- tomy -Surgical Incision

Hepatotomy - Surgical Incision of the liver

Sunday, August 3, 2014

August 2014 MTW Hypothermia

Hypo - Prefix

Hypo - Low

Therm/ - Word Root

Therm / - Temperature

- ia - Suffix

- ia - Pertaining to

Hypothermia - Pertaining to low body temperature

August 2014 MTW Bronchostenosis

Bronch/ - Word Root

Bronch/ - Bronchus

O - CV

- stenosis - Suffix

- stenosis - narrowing

Bronchostenosis - Narrowing of the Bronchus

* Respiratory Disorder

August 2014 MTW Psychopathology

Psych/- - word Root

Psych/ - mind

O - CV

Path / - Word Root

Path / - Disease/ Disorder

O - Cv

- logy - Suffix

- logy - Study of

Psychopathology - The study of the disorders of the mind.

August 2014 MTW Ureterostenosis

Ureter/ - Word Root

Ureter/ - Ureter ( fiber muscular tubes for transport)

O - CV

- stenosis - Suffix

- stenosis - Narrowing

Ureterostenosis - Narrowing of the ureter(s).

August 2014 MTW Gerontology

Geront/ - Word Root

Geront/ - Old Age (Elderly)

 O - CV

- logy - Suffix

- logy - Study of

Gerontology - Study of the elderly. Study of diseases and people related to old age.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 2014 MTW Oophoroma

Oophor/ - Word Root

Oophor/ - Ovary

- Oma - Suffix

- Oma - Tumor

Oophoroma - tumor of the Ovary (Ovarian Tumor)

August 2014 MTW Salpingectomy

Salping/ - Word Root

Salping/ - Fallopian Tubes

- ectomy - Suffix

- ectomy - Surgical Removal

Salpingectomy - Surgical Removal of the Fallopian Tubes

August 2014 MTW Cholecystectomy

Cholecyst/ - Gallbladder 

Cholecyst/ - Word Root

- ectomy - Surgical Removal

- ectomy - Suffix

Cholecystectomy - Surgical removal of the gallbladder 

August 2014 MTW Oligomenorrhea

Oligo/ - Prefix

Oligo/ - Few/ scanty

Men/ - Word Root

Men/- Menstruation

O - CV

- rrhea - Suffix

- rrhea - Flow

Oligomenorrhea -  Scanty menstruation flow

August 2014 MTW Lobotomy

Lob/ - Word Root

Lob/ - Lobe

O - CV

- tomy - Suffix

- tomy - Surgical incision

Lobotomy - Surgical incision of the ( frontal) lobe of the brain

Friday, August 1, 2014

August 2014 MTW Transvaginal

Trans - Prefix

Trans - Across

Vagin - Word Root

Vagin - Vagina

- al - Suffix

- al - Pertaining to

Transvaginal - pertaining to across the vagina

August 2014 MTW Cheilopathy

Cheil/  - Word Root

Cheil/ - Lips

O - CV

- pathy - Suffix

- pathy - Disease

Disease of the lips

August MTW 2014 Metrorrhexis

Metr/ - Word Root

Metr/ - Uterine Wall

O - CV

- rrhexis - Suffix

- rrhexis - Rupture

Metrorrhexis - Rupture of the Uterine wall

August 2014 MTW Sublingual

Sub - Prefix

Sub - Below

Lingu- Word Root

Lingu - Tongue

- al - Suffix

- al - Pertaining to

Sublingual - Pertaining to below the tongue

August 2014 MTW Avascular

A- Prefix

A - Without

Vascul- Word Root

Vascul - Blood Vessel

-ar - Suffix

- ar - pertaining to

Avascular - without or having little blood vessels.