Tuesday, September 20, 2016



Rhin / - Word Root

Rhin / - Nose

O - CV

- Plasty - Suffix

- Plasty - Surgical repair

Rhinoplasty - surgical repair of the nose

Monday, September 12, 2016

Hypoglycemia Free PDF Poster

Hypo  - Prefix

Hypo  -  Below

Glyc - Word Root

Glyc - Sugar

- emia - Suffix

- emia - Blood Condition

Hypoglycemia - Condition of High Sugar Levels in the Blood

Friday, September 2, 2016

Gastropathy Stomach Disease Free Poster

Gastr / - Word Root

Gastr / -  Stomach

O - CV

- pathy - Word root

- pathy - Disease

Gastropathy - Disease of the Stomach