Thursday, July 31, 2014

MTW 2014 Cystoscopy

Cyst/ - Word Root

Cyst/ - Bladder

O - CV

- scopy - Suffix

- scopy - to view

Cystoscopy - To view the bladder

MTW 2014 Orchitis

Orch/ - Word Root

Orch/ - Testi

- itis - Suffix

- itis - Inflammation

Orchitis - Inflammation of a testis

MTW 2014 Neurocyte

Neur/ - Word Root

Neur/ - Nerve

O - CV

- cyte - Suffix

- cyte - Cells

Nerve Cell

MTW 2014 Auriscope

Aur/ - Word Root

Aur/ - Ear

I - CV

- scope - Suffix

- scope - Instrument used to view

Auriscope - Instrument used to view inside of the ear

MTW 2014 Myocarditis

My / - Word Root

My/ - Muscle

O - CV

- Card/ - Word Root

- Card/ - Heart

- itis - Suffix

- itis - Inflammation of muscle of the heart

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

MTW 2014 Pneumogastric

Pneum/ - Word Root

Pneum/ - Lungs

O - CV

Gastr/ - Word Root

Gastr/ - Stomach

- ic - Suffix

- ic - Pertaining to

Pneumogastric - Pertaining to the lungs & stomach

MTW 2014 Polycythemia

Poly - Prefix

Poly - Increase

Cyt - Word Root

Cyt - Cell

- emia - Suffix

- emia - Blood (condition)

Polycythemia - An increase in blood cells

MTW 2014 Tracheomalacia

Trache/ - Word Root

Trache/ - Trachea ( windpipe)

O - CV

- malacia - Suffix

- malacia - Softness

Tracheomalacia - Softness of the Trachea ( windpipe)

2014 MTW Facioplasty

Faci/ - Word Root

Faci/ - Face

O - CV

- plasty - Suffix

- plasty - Surgical Repair

Facioplasty - Surgical repair of the face

2014 MTW Prostatitis

Prostat/ - Word Root

Prostat/ - Prostate

- itis - Suffix

- itis - Inflammation

Prostatitis - Inflammation of the Prostate

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

2014 MTW Celiorraphy

Celi/ - Word Root

Celi/ - Abdomen

O - CV

- rrhaphy - Suffix

- rrhaphy - Suture

Celiorraphy - Suture of the abdominal (wall)

2014 MTW Pancreatolith

Pancreat/ - Word Root

Pancreat/- Pancreas

O - CV

- lith - Suffix

- lith - Stone

Pancreatolith - stones ( calculcus buid up )in the pancreas

2014 MTW Oophoropexy

Oophor/ - Word Root

Oophor/ - Ovary

O - CV

- pexy - Suffix

- pexy - Surgical fixation

Oophoropexy - Surgical fixation of an Ovary

2014 MTW Tympanostomy

Tympan/ - Word Root

Tympan/ - Eardrum

O - CV

- ostomy - Suffix

- ostomy - surgical incision

Tympanostomy - Surgical incision tympanic (membrane)

July 2014 MTW Stomatology

Stomat/ - Word Root

Stomat/ - Mouth

O - CV

- logy - Suffix

- logy - Study of

Stomatology - The study of the mouth & mouth diseases

Monday, July 28, 2014

July 2014 MTW Optometer

Opt/- Word Root

Opt/ - Eye

O - CV

- meter - suffix

- meter - measurement

Optometer - Measurement of the eyes ( refraction for eye glasses prescription)

July 2014 MTW Histolysis

Hist/- Word Root

Hist/ - Tissue (body)

O - CV

- lysis - Suffix

- lysis - Breakdown

Histolysis - Breakdown of Body Tissue

July 2014 MTW Cheilosis

Cheil/ - Word root

Cheil/ - Lips

O - CV

- osis - Suffix

 - osis - Abnormal condition

Cheilosis - Abnormal condition of the lips ( associated scaling, pain, and inflammation)

July 2014 MTW Otoplasty

Ot/ - Word Root

Ot/ - Ear

O - CV

- plasty - suffix

- plasty - Surgical repair

Oroplasty -  Surgical repair of the ears ( ear pinning)

July 2015 MTW Nasorrhagia

Nas/ - Word Root

Nas/ - Nose

O - CV

- rrhagia - Suffix

- rrhagia - Bleeding excessively

Nasorrhagia - Bleeding excessively from the nose

Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 2014 MTW Odontology

Odont/ - Word Root

Odont/ - Teeth

O - CV

- logy - Suffix

- logy - Study of

Odontology - The branch of medicine that studies the development, disease and structure of teeth. (Forensics)

July 2014 MTW Myeloma

Myel/ - Word Root

Myel/ -Marrow

- Oma - Suffix

- Oma - tumor

Myeloma - Tumor located in the marrow (Having multiple Myelomas are common in Cancer)

July 2014 MTW Blepharodynia

Blephar/- Word Root

Blephar/ - Eyelid

O - CV

- dynia - Suffix

- dynia - Pain

Blepharodynia - Pain of the eyelid

2014 July MTW Hysteroma

Hyster/ - Word Root

Hyster/ - Uterus

- oma - Suffix

- Oma - Tumor

Hysteroma - Tumor of the Uterus

July 2014 MTW Ocular

Ocul/ - Word Root

Ocul/ - Eye

-ar - Suffix

- ar - Pertaining to

Ocular - Pertaining to the eye

Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 2014 MTW Dactylogram

Dactyl/ - Word Root

Dactyl/ - Finger

O - CV

- gram - Suffix

- gram - Written record

Dactylogram - A written record of your finger. Finger print

July 2014 MTW Abdominoplasty

Abdomin/ - Word Root

Abdomin/ - Abdomen

O - CV

- plasty - Suffix

- Surgical Repair

Abdominoplasty - Surgical Repair of the abdomen

Also known as a Tummy Tuck

July 2014 MTW Microcytoma

Micro - Prefix

Micro - Small

Cyt/ - Word Root

Cyt/ - Cell

- Oma - Suffix

- Oma - Tumor

Microcytoma - Small cell (cancerous tumor) of the lung

*Also known as SCLC

July 2014 MTW Macrocytosis

Macro - Enlargement

Macro -  Prefix

Cyt/ - Cell (Blood, Red)

Cyt/ - Word Root

O - CV

- osis - Abnormal condition

- osis - Suffix

Macrocytosis - An abnormal condition of the enlargement of red blood cells

July 2014 MTW Vasculitis

Vascul/ - Word Root

Vascul/ - Vessels (Blood)

- itis - Suffix

- itis - Inflammation

Vasculitis - inflammations of Blood Vessels

Thursday, July 24, 2014

July 2014 MTW Myopexy

My/ - Muscle

My/ - Word Root

O - CV

- Pexy - surgical fixation

- Pexy - Suffix

Myopexy - Surgical fixation of a muscle

July 2014 MTW Pyorrhea

Py/ - Word Root

Py/ - Pus

O - CV

- rrhea - Suffix

- rrhea - Flow or discharge

Pyorrhea - Flow or discharge of pus (common involving teeth)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 2014 MTW Lipectomy

Lip/ - Word Root

Lip/- Fat (fatty tissue)

- ectomy - Suffix

- ectomy - Surgical Removal

Lipectomy - Surgical Removal of fat (fatty tissue) ( liposuction)

July 2014 MTW Uropenia

Ur/ - Word Root

Ur/ - Urine

O - CV

- penia - Suffix

- penia - Deficiency

Uropenia - deficiency of urine

*removal of kidney & bladder stones can correct this condition

July 2014 MTW Proctocele

Proct/ - Word Root

Proct/ - Rectum/ anus

O - CV

- cele - Suffix

- cele - Hernia

Proctocele - A hernia of the anus

Also known as Rectocele

Saturday, July 19, 2014

2014 MTW Iritis

Ir/ - Iris (part of the eye)

- itis - inflammation

Iritis - Inflammation of the iris

July 2014 MTW Hepatoma

Hepat/ - Word Root

Hepat/ - Liver

- Oma - Suffix

- Oma - Tumor

Hepatoma - Tumor of the Liver

2014 July MTW Histolysis

Hits/ - Tissue

Hist/ - Word Root

O - CV

- lysis - Dissolution

- lysis - Suffix

Histolysis - Dissolution of Tissue

July 2014 MTW Otorrhaphy

Ot/ - Word Root

Ot/ - Ear

O - CV

- rrhaphy - Suffix

- rrhaphy - Suture

Otorrhaphy - Suture of the ear

2014 July 2014 Dermopathy

Derm/ - Skin

Derm/ - Word Root

- O - CV

- pathy - Disease 

- pathy - Suffix

Disease of the skin

July 2014 MTW Glossoplasty

Gloss/  - Word Root

Gloss/ - Tongue

O - CV

- plasty - Suffix

- plasty - Surgical Repair

Glossoplasty - Surgical repair of the tongue

July 2014 MTW celiosect

Celi/ - Word Root

Celi/ - Belly (abdomen)

O - CV

- sect - Suffix

- sect - To cut

Celiosect - To make a cut into the abdomen

July 2014 MTW Nephritis

Nephr/ -Word Root

Nephr/ - Kidney

- itis - Suffix

- itis - Inflammation

Nephritis - Inflammation of the kidneys

July 2014 MTW Osteolysis

Oste/ - word root

Oste/ - bone

- lysis - suffix

- lysis - breakdown / dissolution

Osteolysis - Dissolution of bone (tissue)

July 2014 Medical Terminology Word Tachypnea

Tachy - Fast

Tachy - Word Root

- pnea - breathing

- pnea - Suffix

Tachypnea  - Fast breathing

July 2014 Medical Terminology Word Hematuria

Hemat/ - Word Root

Hemat/ - Blood

- uria - Urine

- uria - Suffix

Hematuria - Blood ( cells) in urine.

July 2014 Medical Terminology Word Cardiocentesis

Cardi/ - Heart

Cardi/ - Word Root

O - CV

- centesis - Surgical puncture

- centesis - Suffix

Cardiocentesis - Surgical puncture of the heart

July 2014 Medical Terminology Word Laparoscopy

Lapar/ - Flank side (abdomen)
Lapar/ - Word Root

O - CV

- scopy - process of viewing
-scopy - Suffix

Laparoscopy - Process of viewing the abdominal organs internally through a procedure.

In many cases laparoscopy can be done instead of laparotomy surgery that uses a larger incision in the belly. Laparoscopy can be less stressful and may have less problems and lower costs than laparotomy for minor surgeries. It can often be done without needing to stay overnight in the hospital.

Why It Is Done

Laparoscopy is done to:

Saturday, July 12, 2014

July 2014 Medical Terminology Word Uterovaginal

Uter/ - Word Root

Uter/ - Uterus

O - CV

Vagin/ - Word Root

Vagin/ - Vagina

- al - Suffix

- al - Pertaining to

Uterovaginal - Pertaining to the Uterus & Vagina of the Female Reproduction System.

Fibroids Tumors are common in these areas

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July 2014 Medical Terminology Word Blepharitis

Blephar/ - Word Root
Blephar/ - Eyelid
- itis - Suffix
- itis - Inflammation
Blepharitis - Inflammation of the eyelid

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids, usually caused by an excess growth of bacteria that is ordinarily found on the skin, blockage of the eyelid's oil glands, and occasionally allergies.
Blepharitis is a common eye condition, causing the eyelids to be reddened, itchy, and somewhat swollen and scaly-appearing at the base of the eyelashes. It is the most common cause of dry eyes. A dysfunction of the eyelid's oil glands that leads to blepharitis occurs because of a hormone imbalance.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 2014 Medical Terminology Word Onychoma

Onych/ - Word Root

Onych/ - Nail (finger or toe)

-oma - Suffix

-oma - Tumor

Onychoma - A tumor that arises from a nailbed of the finger or toe.

July 2014 Medical Terminology Word Cardiac Syncope

Cardi/ - Root

Cardi/ - Heart

- ac - Suffix

- ac - Pertaining to

Syncope - Loss of  consciousness: fainting: passing out

  Cardiac syncope is a condition in which there is fainting or passing out due to a disease, disorder, or condition of the heart.

July 2014 Medical Terminology Word Patellectomy

Patell/ - Kneecap

Patell/ - Root

- ectomy - Surgical Removal

- ectomy - Suffix

Patellectomy - Surgical removal of the kneecap

General anesthesia is typically used for kneecap removal surgery, though in some cases a spinal or epidural anesthetic is used. The surgeon makes a linear incision over the front of the kneecap. The damaged kneecap is examined. If a part or the entire kneecap is so severely damaged that it cannot be repaired, it may be partially removed (partial patellectomy) or totally removed (full patellectomy). If kneecap removal is total, the muscles and tendons attached to the kneecap are cut and the kneecap is removed. However, the quadriceps tendon above the kneecap, the patellar tendon below, and the other soft tissues around the kneecap are preserved so that the patient may still be able to extend the knee after surgery. Next, the muscles are sewn together, and the skin is closed with sutures or clips that stay in place for about two weeks.