Melan/ - Word Root
Melan/ - Black
- uria - Suffix
- uria - urine
Melanuria - Black urine
Welcome to Easy Medical Terminology. EMT is catered for those looking to Expand their Medical Mind further in the Medical Language.
Monday, September 29, 2014
September 2014 MTW Renal
Ren/ - Word Root
Ren / - Kidney
- al - Suffix
- al - pertaining to
Renal - Perttaining to the kidneys
Ren / - Kidney
- al - Suffix
- al - pertaining to
Renal - Perttaining to the kidneys
MTW September 2014 Urethrospasm
Urethr/ - Word Root
Urethr/ - Urethra
O - CV
- spasm - Suffix
- spasm - Contraction
Urethrospasm - Contraction of the Urethra
Urethr/ - Urethra
O - CV
- spasm - Suffix
- spasm - Contraction
Urethrospasm - Contraction of the Urethra
September 2014 MTW Nephrology
Nephr/ - Word root
Nephr/ - Kidneys
O - CV
- logy - Suffix
- logy - Study of
Nephrology - Study of the kidneys
Nephr/ - Kidneys
O - CV
- logy - Suffix
- logy - Study of
Nephrology - Study of the kidneys
MTW 2014 September Pyuria
Py - Word Root
Py - Pus
- uria - Suffix
- uria - Urine
Pyuria - Pus in the urine
Py - Pus
- uria - Suffix
- uria - Urine
Pyuria - Pus in the urine
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
2014 MTW Thoracotomy
Thorac/ - Word Root
Thorac/ - Chest (thorax)
O - CV
- tomy - Suffix
- tomy - Incision
Thoracotomy - Incision of the chest (thorax)
Thorac/ - Chest (thorax)
O - CV
- tomy - Suffix
- tomy - Incision
Thoracotomy - Incision of the chest (thorax)
2014 MTW Pneumocentesis
Pneum/ - Word Root
Pneum/ - Lungs
- O - CV
- centesis - Suffix
- centesis - Surgical Puncture
Pneumocentesis - Surgical puncture of the lung(s)
Pneum/ - Lungs
- O - CV
- centesis - Suffix
- centesis - Surgical Puncture
Pneumocentesis - Surgical puncture of the lung(s)
2014 MTW Orthopnea
Orth/ - Word Root
Orth/ - Straight
O - CV
-pnea - Suffix
-pnea - breathing
Orthopnea - straight (normal) breathing
Orth/ - Straight
O - CV
-pnea - Suffix
-pnea - breathing
Orthopnea - straight (normal) breathing
2014 MTW Pulmonectomy
Pulmon/ - Word Root
Pulmon/ - Lungs
- ectomy - Suffix
- ectomy - Surgical Removal
Pulmonectomy - Surgical removal of a lung(s)
Pulmon/ - Lungs
- ectomy - Suffix
- ectomy - Surgical Removal
Pulmonectomy - Surgical removal of a lung(s)
2014 MTW Vasospasm
Vas/ - Word Root
Vas/ - Duct
O - CV
- spasm - Suffix
- spasm - contraction
Vasospasm - contraction of a duct
Vas/ - Duct
O - CV
- spasm - Suffix
- spasm - contraction
Vasospasm - contraction of a duct
2014 MTW Angiorrhaphy
Angi/ - Word Root
Angi/ - Blood Vessel
O - CV
- rrhaphy - Suffix
- rrhaphy - Suturing
Angiorrhaphy - Suturing of a blood vessel
Angi/ - Blood Vessel
O - CV
- rrhaphy - Suffix
- rrhaphy - Suturing
Angiorrhaphy - Suturing of a blood vessel
2014 MTW Urethrorrhaphy
Urethr/ - Word Root
Urethr/ - Urethra
O - CV
- rrhaphy - Suffix
- rrhaphy - Suturing
Urethrorrhaphy - Suturing of the Urethra
Urethr/ - Urethra
O - CV
- rrhaphy - Suffix
- rrhaphy - Suturing
Urethrorrhaphy - Suturing of the Urethra
2014 MTW Ureterolith
Ureter/ - Word root
Ureter/ - Ureter
O - CV
- lith - Suffix
- lith Stone
Ureterolith - Stone formation in the ureter
Ureter/ - Ureter
O - CV
- lith - Suffix
- lith Stone
Ureterolith - Stone formation in the ureter
2014 MTW Cystoscope
Cyst/ - Word Root
Cyst/ - Bladder
- O - CV
- scope - Suffix
- scope - instrument used for viewing
Cystoscope - an instrument used to view the bladder
Cyst/ - Bladder
- O - CV
- scope - Suffix
- scope - instrument used for viewing
Cystoscope - an instrument used to view the bladder
MTW Azoturia
Azot/ - Word Root
Azot/ - Nitrogen
- Uria - Suffix
- Uria - Urine
Azoturia - Nitrogen present in the urine stream
Azot/ - Nitrogen
- Uria - Suffix
- Uria - Urine
Azoturia - Nitrogen present in the urine stream
2014 MTW Aphasiology
A - Prefix
A - Without
phasi/ - Word Root
phasi/ - Speech
-logy - Suffix
- logy - Study of
Aphasiology - The study of (people) without speech capabilities.
A - Without
phasi/ - Word Root
phasi/ - Speech
-logy - Suffix
- logy - Study of
Aphasiology - The study of (people) without speech capabilities.
2014 MTW Neuralgia
Neur/ - Word Root
Neur/ - Nerves
- algia - Suffix
- algia - Pain
Neuralgia - Nerve pain
Neur/ - Nerves
- algia - Suffix
- algia - Pain
Neuralgia - Nerve pain
2014 MTW Vaginoscopy
Vagin/ - Word Root
Vagin/ - Vagina
O - CV
- scopy - Suffix
- scopy - Visual examination
Vaginoscopy - Visual examination of the vagina
Vagin/ - Vagina
O - CV
- scopy - Suffix
- scopy - Visual examination
Vaginoscopy - Visual examination of the vagina
2014 MTW Colporrhagia
Colp/ - Word Root
Colp/ - Vagina
O - CV
- rrhagia - Suffix
- rrhagia - Excessive Bleeding
Colporrhagia - Excessive Bleeding from the vagina
Colp/ - Vagina
O - CV
- rrhagia - Suffix
- rrhagia - Excessive Bleeding
Colporrhagia - Excessive Bleeding from the vagina
2014 MTW Oscheoma
Osche/ - Word Root
Osche/ - Scrotum
- oma - Suffix
- oma - Tumor
Oscheoma - Tumor of the scrotum
Osche/ - Scrotum
- oma - Suffix
- oma - Tumor
Oscheoma - Tumor of the scrotum
2014 MTW Testitis
Test/ - Word Root
Test/ - Testis (male gonad)
- itis - Suffix
- itis - Inflammation of
Testitis - Inflammation of the testis (male gonads)
Test/ - Testis (male gonad)
- itis - Suffix
- itis - Inflammation of
Testitis - Inflammation of the testis (male gonads)
2014 MTW Orchiopexy
Orchi/ - Word Root
Orchi/ - Testes
- O - CV
- pexy - Suffix
- pexy - Surgical fixation
Orchiopexy - Surgical fixation of the testes
Orchi/ - Testes
- O - CV
- pexy - Suffix
- pexy - Surgical fixation
Orchiopexy - Surgical fixation of the testes
2014 MTW Prostatic
Prostat/ - Word Root
Prostat/ - Prostate
- ic - Suffix
- ic - Pertaining to
Prostatic - pertaining to the prostate
Prostat/ - Prostate
- ic - Suffix
- ic - Pertaining to
Prostatic - pertaining to the prostate
2014 Medical Terminology Word Melanuria
Melan/ - Word Root
Melan/ - Black
- Uria - Suffix
- Uria - Urine
Melanuria - Black Urine (condition or disease causing Melanuria)
Melan/ - Black
- Uria - Suffix
- Uria - Urine
Melanuria - Black Urine (condition or disease causing Melanuria)
2014 September Medical Terminology Word Lymphopathy
Lymph - Word Root
Lymph - Lymphatic glands
O - CV
- Pathy - Suffix
- Pathy - Disease
Lymphopathy - Disease of the Lymphatic glands
Lymph - Lymphatic glands
O - CV
- Pathy - Suffix
- Pathy - Disease
Lymphopathy - Disease of the Lymphatic glands